The most wise Advice I ever got on how to handle The Crypto market:

1. Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) will cost you very high losses because you will be buying on bullish run when others are selling.

2. Specialise on only 2 Crypto coins .

It can be Meme coins, Ai coins,Alt coins.So just pick 2 coins and study how they are in the market and when you're confident enough now place you investment on the coin.

I can give you an example last year September I focused on Bitcoin and Tellor Tributes. In September 2023 BTC was at $29,000 and TRB was at $20.

I watched Bitcoin go from $29k to $49k

while TRB from $20 to $600

I couldn't believe my eyes and how dissapointed I was to miss out on the Bullish run. But as I said I was studying this 2 coins and how they behave on the market.

So as I'm writing this to all of you Crypto geniuses Keep your Head High and know that we are the few who understand this Market

and as we loose or make profit just know this is only the begining of this amazing and marvelous Tech/Market JOURNEY. Alles gute.

#HotTrends #Writing2Earn