,🚹AEVO Coin has been added to Binance Launchpool as the 48th project.

AEVO is a decentralized derivatives exchange platform with the following,👇 details:

token name AEVO,

maximum token supply of 1 billion AEVO, launchpool token rewards of 45 million AEVO (4.5% of max token supply),

initial circulating supply of 110 million AEVO (11% of max token supply),

smart contract on Ethereum,

KYC required for staking,

and specific caps per user for staking in BNB and FDUSD pools.

👉The supported pools offer rewards for staking BNB and FDUSD,

with farming period from 2024-03-08 to 2024-03-12.

AEVO will be listed on Binance on 2024-03-13 with trading pairs including AEVO/BTC,





and will have the Seed Tag applied.

#Aevo #Launchpoolreward