Emotional Trading Habits

  • You hesitate to make decisions to get in or out

  • You jump in to trades too early, Which means you don't believe your self

  • You have started to second guess your trading plan – not taking all signals or worse, have started to make changes to your plan, mid trade…

  • Perhaps your initial confidence has been shattered by a series of losing trades

  • You are bringing “baggage” from previous trades or strategies to this one

  • You have blown your account up· You are starting to doubt your own abilities

  • Trading just to cover Previous Losses, this will put you in more trouble

How to Overcome these Mistakes & Habits

  1. Trust your self first, believe in you

  2. Create a Trading Plan, Stick to it, Don't Breach it

  3. Then trust the Process, Trust the Trade

  4. Don't Trade for your Commitments, It will raise up your emotions and will end up in bad ideas and trades

  5. Don't copy the trade just for someone did, His/Her emotions are completely different than yours

  6. Don't Keep your trade open for maximum loss, eg - don't let the trade run for -100% and above

  7. Don't add funds, Just close the trade at loss which you are affordable at

  8. Book Profits as much as you can, Don't be greedy

  9. If you are comfortable with 5% Profit, Book it, Don't dream for 1000%

  10. Become our Team Member at Crypto Master Trader

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