$OAX - USDT Premium free analysis on demand :

The MACD line (blue line) is above the signal line (orange line). This is generally considered a bullish signal, indicating that the price of the asset may be going up.

The RSI indicator is at 98, which is well above the typical overbought threshold of 70. This suggests that the market may be overbought and due for a correction.

MA(5) is above MA(10) this is a bullish sign, as it suggests that the short-term (5-day) average price is higher than the long-term (10-day) average price. This can be interpreted as a sign that the price is trending upwards in the short-term.

Both MA lines are sloping upwards, this further reinforces the bullish signal, as it indicates that both the short-term and long-term averages are trending upwards. This suggests an overall uptrend in the price.

The price is near the upper Bollinger Band, this suggests that the price of OAX is currently trading near its 21-day high, which can be an indication of overbought conditions. However, it's important to note that simply touching the upper Bollinger Band doesn't necessarily guarantee a price reversal.

Wide Bollinger Bands generally indicate high volatility. This means that the price of $OAX has been fluctuating more than usual over the past 21 days.

Note : The analysis is based on 1 day candle time frame hope you will have the clear picture...

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