Polygon (Matic)

Issue Date and Issue Date Price

$0.0026 (04/25/2019)

Price now$0.97 (02/26/2024)

All Time High $2.92 (12/27/2021)

All Time Low $0.0030 (05/10/2019)

Circulation Supply-9.62B MATIC

Max Supply-10B MATIC

Rank no.14 (The rating may change in the future)


Polygon is a layer-2 scaling platform that enables fast and secure off-chain transactions for not only payment transactions, but also generalized off-chain smart contracts.

Some of its key features include:

Scalability: fast, low-cost and secure transactions on Polygon sidechains with finality achieved on mainchain and Ethereum as the first compatible Layer 1 basechain

High throughput: achieved up to 7,000 TPS on a single sidechain on internal testnet; Multiple chains to be added for horizontal scaling

User experience: smooth UX and developer abstraction from mainchain to Polygon chain; native mobile apps and SDK with WalletConnect support

Security: Polygon chain operators are themselves stakers in the PoS system

Public sidechains: Matic sidechains are public in nature (vs. individual dApp chains), permissionless and capable of supporting multiple protocols


Polygon, formerly known as Matic Network, is a protocol and framework for building and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks. Its specialty lies in providing scaling solutions for Ethereum, addressing issues such as high fees and slow transaction times. Polygon achieves this through a combination of sidechains, Plasma chains, and other scaling solutions, allowing for faster and cheaper transactions while maintaining compatibility with the Ethereum network. Additionally, Polygon offers a variety of tools, including its SDK (Software Development Kit) and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), to make it easier for developers to create and deploy decentralized applications (dApps) on its network. Overall, Polygon specializes in improving the scalability and usability of Ethereum-based blockchain applications.#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #TrendingToEarn #tredNtell #cryptoboy8888