$APT Supervillain Labs and Aptos Labs Announces Strategic Partnership

💡 Remember the last time a few months ago that #Cryptogaming was super hot? Well, mates... I follow news and do research on #CryptoGems on a daily basis and what I can tell you is this narrative has never stopped. Maney blockchians are fighting in the backofffice to get the best projects to develop on top of their blockchains. You name them... #AvalancheAVAX #AptosLabs #Arbitrum: #SOL.... and more!

This news is important not because of the magnitud of the partnership, but for the message between the lines that it is giving us. Cryptogaming is loading up. Let's pay attention.

🔸Aptos Labs: Aptos L1 blockchain builders

🔸Supervlabs: Game Developer