CZ words :

Your Honor, I just wanna say one thing. Um, I want to close the issue. So I want to take responsibility and close this chapter in my life. So, um, it's a very simple, it's a very simple mindset for me. Um, I've not caused problems before. I've never been a criminal. Um, I've not been into a courthouse before, so all this is need to me. Um, to be very frank, before I came I was a little bit scared. In most countries you go to a country, you know, you don't know what's gonna happen. So I was very impressed with, you know, being this court hearing, um, having your honor, explaining the little, every little detail to me, all of that is very reassuring actually. Um, so before I come here, that, that is not meant to. So, um, and also with the issue on UAE, um, I was given, I was offered a citizenship. I took it in with a lot of, um, as an honor, I do not want to leverage that to say, Hey, uh, protect you. Um, I don't want to use that. I don't want to use papers that way. Um, so I want to address issues myself. So I have full intention to come back here and close this issue, otherwise I wouldn't be here today. Um, so I start, uh, the issue was there.