$4.2 Million Worth of Stolen XRP Tokens Frozen on Binance:

It's good news, but there's still a lot of funds missing. The exploiter made off with $113 million worth of XRP.

$4.2 million worth of XRP tokens that were stolen during an exploit earlier this week have been identified and frozen, said Binance CEO Richard Teng.

"We will continue to support Ripple in their investigations and their efforts to retrieve back the funds, including closely monitoring the majority of funds still in the exploiter's external wallets in case they deposit to Binance," Teng wrote in a post on Twitter last night.

After finding out early on about the exploit that occurred at @Ripple, we’re happy to say that the #Binance team has managed to freeze $4.2 Million worth of $XRP  stolen by the exploiter.

We appreciate both the communities efforts in flagging it to exchanges - as always




