It is crucial to provide the security and integrity of the Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) ecosystem a priority by implementing proposal 11889 pay-per-job guidelines as voted by the community. This includes implementing Know Your Customer (KYC) protocols for both new, old developers and job bidders.

REASON: Unverified contributors may be able to add possible risks to the ecosystem without being held accountable if KYC procedures are absent, which could result in serious vulnerabilities. In order to highlight the possible harm that unidentified, covert, and unverified developers can cause to the LUNC ecosystem, this write up is just trying to illustrate the hazards connected with working with them.

KYC's importance in reducing the likelihood of untraceable and perhaps malicious contributions highlights how important it is to protecting the LUNC ecosystem. Developers' identities and backgrounds remain unconfirmed in the absence of a comprehensive KYC process, which significantly increases the attack surface. When there is no accountability, integrating such contributions into the mainnet might present serious risks because the people who are involved are neither identifiable or held accountable. #CFX

Further supporting the necessity for KYC is the setting of cryptocurrency initiatives, where KYC services are essential to boosting security and trust in the industry. KYC is an essential tool for determining the validity and trustworthiness of developers and contributors since it collects and verifies the name and address information of project owners. Even though KYC cannot guarantee a project's safety, it offers a great deal to help investors and stakeholders make educated decisions and reduce risk. #Write2Earn

The need for KYC measures is not specific to the LUNC ecosystem, as shown by the industry-wide focus on including KYC teams into every project that is launched on different chains. The widespread acknowledgement of KYC as a crucial security protocol indicates its ever-lasting significance in protecting blockchain networks from possible risks and weaknesses. #sui

Given these factors, it is clear that the Terra Luna Classic ecosystem is seriously at risk from the lack of KYC. It is essential to push for the enforcement of KYC processes for all job bidders and developers in order to protect the security and integrity of LUNC. By doing this, the LUNC community can promote a more secure and resilient ecosystem by proactively reducing the potential impact of contributors who are not confirmed or who are hiding their identity. #ALT

In conclusion, it is critical, and this cannot be emphasized enough—that old, new developers and job bidders inside the Terra Luna Classic ecosystem provide proof of identity. Dealing with unverified people could have far-reaching consequences, possibly causing serious harm to the LUNC ecosystem as a whole. The community may protect itself from fraudulent and untraceable contributions by putting KYC first, which will ultimately improve Terra Luna Classic's long-term security and viability. #TrendingTopic $LUNC $USTC $BTC

Vihn is right with this tweet.