Dont chase the money, chase understanding the game. For the year i have been in this mind bubbling crazy crypto Market i just realized one thing. This game is like life itself, its the same pattern repeating themselves over and over again. Call it the Crypto Dragon Theory. Let me repeat this, Money in crypto market moves in cycles which repeat themselves over and over again. If you can just master a few fundamentals. You will reap money from crypto effortlessly. The problem is most of newbiez want signals, and make some quick cash. This works short term but in the long run, it wont. Let me teach you one cutting edge basic about crypto to reap crazy money and have low risk on your account. THE PRINCIPLE IS SIMPLE ALWAYS ENTER AT THE TRANSITION OF A MOVE. Let me give you an example for today, 6hrs ago those who follow my channels, i posted over 5 coins that were transitioning from bear to Bullish. These were ACE, Manta, 1000sats, Bonk, BTC, NFP. If you entered at that time, you would be in crazy money, but the problem is most of you want to enter in the middle of a rally like right. This is first of all less profitable but most dangerously. its very risky, you know why. Every time something is flying in the sky, people want to short it down. So if you join the buzz when its already in motion chances are you might lose, The Crazy Manta profits, 180%. Just five hours ago, i posted the long position of manta at 3.0 and take profit at 3.8.

I know most of you a feeling FOMO for these coins, but i tell you what. Just take the lesson, because this cycle will repeat itself again. jUst learn it today and next time you will make money. But its not recommendable to try to join, the rally now, wait for the market to retrace, then you can go for another opportunity.

Remember the goal isnt just to make the quick money, but to master the cycles of the market.