Seems it's not possible to update posts, so I'm testing the.. Dun-dun-dun..

My little Pony..

I mean, Article..

This is an update to yesterday's ORDI post.

The BTC retracement isn't done, so don't get overly excited and go all in on a long position..

It's very much still bearish for the time being, so look to enter short ~$61.00 and ride that little pony all the way to at least $40.00.


Not sure how many, if any Yanks are on here, but for you poor souls that can only trade spot, I have an idea that could offer over 65% more opportunity for market participation, if that interests you.

Comment below with "I will not vote for Donald Trump" and I'll share the thought..


@Binance why can I not add charts to these things?

And if I'm uninformed because I didn't read the instructions, then I still blame your UX designers, because these buttons don't communicate the fact.
