Day 2:

Passwords and Authentication

Welcome back to our Crypto Security series!

Today, let's focus on the first line of defense your passwords and authentication methods.

1. Strong Passwords:

- Create complex passwords with a mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols.

- Avoid using easily guessable information like birthdays or common words.

2. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

- Enable 2FA wherever possible; it adds an extra layer of security.

- Use authentication apps or hardware tokens for 2FA rather than SMS.

3. Password Management:

- Consider using a reputable password manager to generate and store strong, unique passwords.

- Regularly update and rotate your passwords.

Why It Matters:

- Weak passwords are vulnerable to brute-force attacks.

- 2FA prevents unauthorized access even if passwords are compromised.

Key Takeaways:

- Strengthen your passwords regularly.

- Embrace 2FA as a powerful safeguard.

Tomorrow, we'll dive into the critical topic of securing your private keys.

Keep building those layers of security!