Why are so many people liquidated?

Here is a question to know why are you still loosing money?

What type of trader are you?

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1)Do you prefer to hold positions for several hours while thinking about the trade and analyzing the potential?

2)Do you prefer to enter a position, set

your stop, and walk away so you don't over trade it? 3)Do you prefer to trade with small

amounts of capital and let the trades work for a longer period of time?

4)Do you think holding some positions overnight might be acceptable for you?

5)Are your computer skills leaving something to be desired?

6) Do you trade via Mobile or Tablet while at work?

You are a longer term Day Trader If you Answer YES to these questions, it's extremely important that you look for trade opportunities that offer a min of 2x profit vs your risk. These are trades that you will get into and sit with for a while. You want to make sure they are the right setup, with great news, and big potential. The drawback with this strategy is that you will often be up 10-20 cents, or more, but not take profits because you are looking for a bigger move. Since you will let these small wins turn into losses, your percentage of success will be lower, and your profit loss ratio must be higher.

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