Blockchain technology is well-known for its #decentralized and distributed nature. However, there are some cases where organizations or enterprises require more control over the network. This is where permissioned blockchains come into the picture. In a permissioned blockchain, access to the network is restricted, and only authorized entities can participate. This article will delve deeper into the concept of permissioned blockchains, their features, advantages, and use cases.

Features of Permissioned Blockchains:

  1. Access control: The main feature of a permissioned blockchain is that access to the network is restricted. Only authorized entities are allowed to participate in the network. This ensures that the network is secure and only trustworthy participants can transact on the blockchain.

  2. Permissioned participation: In a permissioned blockchain, nodes that want to join the network must first receive permission from the network administrator. This is usually done through a vetting process where the applicant's identity and intentions are verified.

  3. Centralized control: Permissioned #blockchains are often managed by a central authority or a group of entities that have been granted administrative privileges. This allows for greater control over the network and ensures that the network's rules and regulations are enforced.

  4. Enhanced privacy: In a permissioned blockchain, participants can be anonymous or pseudonymous, but their identities are known to the network administrator. This allows for greater privacy and security compared to public blockchains where all transactions are visible to anyone.

  5. Performance and scalability: Permissioned blockchains are designed for high performance and scalability. Since the number of participants is limited, the network can handle a large number of transactions without compromising its performance.

Advantages of Permissioned Blockchains:

  1. Controlled access: Permissioned blockchains offer greater control over who can participate in the network. This ensures that only trusted entities are allowed to transact on the blockchain, reducing the risk of fraudulent activities.

  2. Improved privacy: Permissioned blockchains offer greater privacy compared to public blockchains. Since the identities of participants are known to the network administrator, it is easier to track and identify any malicious activities.

  3. Faster transaction processing: Permissioned blockchains are designed for high performance and scalability. This allows for faster transaction processing and ensures that the network can handle a large number of transactions without any delays.

  4. Compliance with regulations: Permissioned blockchains can be designed to comply with regulatory requirements. This is important for enterprises that operate in highly regulated industries, such as finance or healthcare.

  5. Cost-effective: Permissioned blockchains are cost-effective compared to traditional systems that require intermediaries to facilitate transactions. This is because permissioned blockchains eliminate the need for intermediaries, reducing transaction costs.

Use Cases of Permissioned Blockchains:

  1. Supply Chain Management: Permissioned blockchains can be used to track the movement of goods along the supply chain. This can help to improve transparency, reduce fraud, and ensure that products are authentic.

  2. Healthcare: Permissioned blockchains can be used to store and share healthcare data securely. This can help to improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and ensure that patient data is protected.

  3. Finance: Permissioned blockchains can be used to facilitate financial transactions securely and transparently. This can help to reduce transaction costs, eliminate intermediaries, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

  4. Government: Permissioned blockchains can be used to store and share government data securely. This can help to improve transparency, reduce fraud, and ensure that government data is protected.


Permissioned blockchains offer greater control, privacy, and performance compared to public blockchains. They are ideal for enterprises that require a secure and transparent network to transact on. With the increasing adoption of blockchain technology, we can expect to see more use cases for permissioned blockchains in the future.