According to Odaily, Just Josh, a member of the Jupiter team, announced on X that he is the engineer responsible for building the Value Average (VA) and Ape programs. On September 13, an unauthorized user forcibly shut down both programs after obtaining the private key used for their deployment. While user funds on the platform were not affected, the shutdown rendered all associated functionalities inaccessible. The team promptly restored platform functions and user balances and conducted a comprehensive security review. Users with lost tokens or questions are advised to inquire on Discord. The issue was confined to the newer VA and Ape programs, which may require frequent updates. All other Jupiter programs were unaffected and are not susceptible to similar issues. Josh expressed deep regret over the incident and acknowledged the delay in upgrading the programs to multi-signature (multi-sig) security. The primary cause of the incident was the ability to upgrade VA and Ape programs with a single private key. In contrast, all other Jupiter programs require multi-sig for any upgrades. To prevent future occurrences, all Jupiter programs will require multi-sig for upgrades once in use, in addition to undergoing multiple third-party professional audits. Users are encouraged to contact the team via Discord for any questions or concerns.