According to Odaily, Hong Kong's Financial Secretary, Xu Zhengyu, has emphasized the need for continuous reform and innovation in the city's role as an international financial center. In a recent interview, he noted the emergence of three major trends in the international capital market: diversified asset allocation, economic digitization, and green transformation.

To seize new opportunities, Hong Kong must adapt to these trends. Xu Zhengyu expressed particular interest in Europe's policies towards Hong Kong, especially recent ones related to innovative technology. These include future regulation of legal tender, supervision of off-exchange virtual asset transactions, and the overall direction of virtual asset development.

Hong Kong is currently actively building an international science and innovation center, with a focus on biotechnology and blockchain, among other areas. This initiative is attracting significant interest from investors. The situation for family offices settling in Hong Kong is relatively ideal, with about 140 offices either willing or already established in the city. The goal set by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong is to have 200 new family offices established by 2025.