According to Odaily, data from Glassnode indicates that the number of long-term Ethereum holders has reached a new high. The Ethereum HODL Waves chart shows a significant concentration of Ethereum held for 1 to 3 years, suggesting that a large amount of Ethereum acquired during 2021-2022 is still being held. The 1-2 year and 2-3 year intervals reflect these holding situations, accounting for a large part of the total supply.

This holding pattern indicates that investors are confident in the long-term value of Ethereum, with a significant portion choosing to retain their Ethereum holdings rather than sell due to market fluctuations. The decline in the proportion of Ethereum held for less than 6 months further supports this trend.

In addition, the proportion of Ethereum held for more than 7 years has increased, representing long-term holders who have experienced multiple market cycles.