According to Odaily, Rob Habermeier, co-founder of Polkadot, has proposed the creation of a new system chain, Plaza, aimed at unifying parallel chain functions and enhancing network scalability. Habermeier noted that the current distribution of functions across multiple chains presents challenges to users and developers, leading to fragmentation and scalability limitations. He advocates for a focus on usability through the construction of a scalable synchronous system.

Plaza intends to integrate parallel chain functions such as asset issuance, smart contracts, staking, cross-chain bridging, and near-zero fees into a single chain. This simplification is expected to streamline operations for users, developers, LPs, and DApps. The chain will evolve from the existing AssetHub, which already supports asset wallets, bridging, and tool integration.

With Polkadot's imminent launch of Elastic Scaling, Habermeier believes integrating functions into a single chain will be beneficial. He stated that if approved, Plaza would simplify interactions across the entire Polkadot network, allowing developers to focus on scalability.