According to Odaily, API3 has officially announced that its Oracle Stack is now available on Sei. This development allows developers to access decentralized data sources, also known as dAPI, and the soon-to-be-launched OEV network. The move is aimed at regaining the protocol MEV that was generated due to Oracle updates.

The availability of Oracle Stack on Sei is a significant development for API3. It provides developers with the opportunity to access decentralized data sources, which are crucial in the current digital age. The dAPI is a key component in the decentralized network, allowing for the secure and efficient exchange of data.

In addition to the dAPI, developers will also have access to the upcoming OEV network. This network is expected to further enhance the capabilities of developers in handling data and protocols. The OEV network is set to be launched soon, although the exact date has not been specified.

The move by API3 is also aimed at regaining the protocol MEV that was lost due to Oracle updates. The Oracle updates had resulted in a change in the protocol, leading to the generation of the MEV. With the availability of the Oracle Stack on Sei, API3 hopes to regain this lost protocol MEV.

This announcement by API3 is a significant step forward in the field of decentralized data sources and networks. It provides developers with more tools and resources to handle data and protocols, thereby enhancing their capabilities and efficiency.