According to Odaily, recent data indicates a general decline in the floor prices of blue-chip NFT series over the past week. The Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) reported a temporary floor price of 12.25 ETH, marking a 9.82% decrease over the past seven days. Similarly, Pudgy Penguins saw a floor price of 10.55 ETH, reflecting a 7.37% drop in the same period.

The Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC) reported a floor price of 2.09 ETH, a significant 17.75% decrease over the week. Azuki's floor price was temporarily reported at 4.35 ETH, marking a 13.8% decrease in the past seven days. DeGods also experienced a drop in floor price, reporting at 1.34 ETH, a 22.58% decrease over the week. Lastly, LilPudgys reported a floor price of 0.85 ETH, marking a 17.79% decrease over the past seven days.

These figures highlight the volatility and fluctuating nature of the NFT market, with prices of even the most established series experiencing significant changes within short periods.