

I wish to break free from the traditional matrix of two decades of structured schooling. As a programmer with a vision, my aspiration is to dive into the dynamic and evolving world of DeFi, cryptocurrency, and Web3. The constraints of financial situations have tethered me to a conventional path, spending precious years in pursuit of a university degree. These years, dedicated to securing a certificate and gaining job experience, have been a journey of learning. I recognize that the path I've followed so far is a disaster - studying hard to land a job, working under someone else's direction, and earning just enough to get by. But if this wish came true I 'will be ready to forge a new path. I want to use my skills and passion to explore the frontiers of technology, where I can be a part of something groundbreaking, contributing to innovations that redefine our interactions with finance and the internet. This is more than just a wish to change careers; it's a desire to be at the forefront of a technological revolution. In the realm of DeFi and Web3, I see endless possibilities – not just for personal growth but for contributing to a world where technology creates new opportunities and democratizes finance.

I think there are many other like me who can agree with me. I'm not just seeking a change

I'm embracing a journey towards empowerment, innovation, and financial freedom.