Proof of Work:

#SatoshiPlusConsensus starts with the Bitcoin Network, as its name suggests. Satoshi Plus directly utilizes Bitcoin's established and superior Proof of Work method, as opposed to creating an entirely new and independent PoW algorithm. In particular, Satoshi Plus' Proof-of-Work component involves Bitcoin miners in the selection of Core's Validator Set by allowing them to assign their hash power directly to the Validators they choose. This hash power is the energy cost that keeps two crucial blockchain components functional. It functions as the first-hand stake in maintaining an accurate ledger. Secondly, it maintains decentralization by promoting involvement from the blockchain's most decentralized consensus network.

Delegated Proof of Stake:
In addition to the decentralized security of Bitcoin's PoW, #SatoshiPlusConsensus employs a variant of Ethereum's scalable and energy-efficient Proof of Stake consensus. PoS chooses validators who have a significant quantity of native tokens ( $CORE) as collateral. #Core

$CORE holders

Using Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS), which gives all CORE holders the ability to vote for the validator set by assigning their CORE holdings to qualified Validators, Satoshi Plus aims to level the playing field. Staked CORE democratization is encouraged by DPoS, which empowers the Core community by enabling even low-stake holders to take part in the validator election process.

The combination of Proof of Work, Delegated Proof of Stake, and an efficient Validator Election Mechanism optimally blends security, scalability, and decentralization. Additional security and scalability is provided by other network participants such as Relayers and Verifiers, which adhere to carefully constructed stick-and-carrot incentives.