Elon Musk clarified the issue of issuing cryptocurrency!

The famous billionaire also touched upon a very important issue while talking about fraudsters who issue tokens using the artificial intelligence initiative called #XAI .

The famous billionaire also touched upon a very important issue while talking about fraudsters who issue tokens using the artificial intelligence initiative called xAI.

#ElonMusk , who had a direct impact on the crypto market in 2021, spent the last bear market silently. Musk attracted great attention in the bull market, especially by highlighting #DogeCoin (DOGE). In the bullish scenario of 2021, the market was closely following Musk's views on Bitcoin and Dogecoin.

Although Musk has moved away from crypto lately, he has not lost the interest of the community. A user on the X platform asked Musk whether he would issue cryptocurrency. #Musk left no question marks in mind by giving a clear answer.

Elon Musk, owner of #Tesla , SpaceX and Twitter, has recently set his sights on artificial intelligence. Musk is working hard on an artificial intelligence initiative called xAI.

The artificial intelligence project xAI, which gained popularity in a short time, also entered the radar of fraudsters. Scammers have issued dozens of cryptocurrencies using the name of Musk's artificial intelligence initiative. An X user posted a warning that xAI has not issued any tokens. Musk's comment under this post was surprising.

Musk stated that any of his brands, including xAI, will not issue cryptocurrencies. With these words, Musk clarified the issue of whether he will issue cryptocurrency or not.

Musk, who frequently expressed his interest in crypto through Bitcoin and Dogecoin a few years ago, has moved away from crypto lately. In the past bull market, Musk attracted a large audience with his promise "Doge to the Moon". In addition, Musk's announcement that his automotive company Tesla bought BTC fueled the bull market. The billionaire is now focused on artificial intelligence rather than crypto.