🥲#pepe deployer #RugPull 🥲

As promised here we have the post on the token that was deployed by the same wallet as $PEPE The name was "pepe origins" and the total supply was 1,000,000,000 !

Exactly 4 days and 12 hours ago the wallet that deployed #pepe deployed a token contract , called pepe origins , its been sniped hard (people using bots buying as soon the Liquidity was added) the starting market cap was only around 2k market cap and the ath was around 900k/1M market cap , all that happened in around 20/30 minutes , some people that track wallets made good gains even if the sell tax was never lowered under 50% on sells !

the sketchy part starts when whoever deployed the contract started to slowly remove the liquidity as it was not locked , the deployer made around 60/70 ETH profit from he's scam, with basically 0 efforts bc when a important deployer deploys a contract there are plenty of people that track the wallet in question, a lot of them own "Call channels" (channels on tg that post tokens ) and they started to post this token, the word started to spread very fast about this "Pepe origins" being deployed by the same wallet as #pepe and people started to fomo (fear of missing out) good ammounts of $ETH on the chart !

PEPE deployer rugged !

at the end after whoever deployed the contract was happy with 60/70 ETH profit without moving a finger he rugged pulled out all the liquidity leaving the buyers with worthless tokens in their wallets and ruining a very good deployer as the one of pepe! you can check yourself the transactions on etherscan and see what happened !

follow me for more defi insights 🐸

Remember to always stay safe and trust no one as you see even a big deployer as the one of pepe Wich is listed on Binance can scam people !

And by the way thank you very much to everyone that follows me I'm so happy I finally hit 1k followers on Binance square , and I can finally start doing some AMAs and some live streams on Binance 🥲