
Adventure Gold Price Analysis:

According to our current Adventure Gold price prediction, the value of Adventure Gold will increased by 248.30%, reaching $2.99 by end of 2025. All technical indicators indicate that the current sentiment is Bullish, while the Fear & Greed Index is reading 51.01, which means extreme fear. Our Adventure Gold forecast, it's good to Buy Adventure Gold right now.

On October 30, 2023, almost all technical analysis indicators signalled bullish signals, while other indicators signalled bearish signals, indicating a general Bullish sentiment among Adventure Gold price predictions.

See the exact Adventure Gold price prediction below; you will know how much Adventure Gold is worth in the coming months and years.

Over the last 30 days, Adventure Gold has increased by 34.40%. Due to this, we can get except a slight recovery in the coming month.

By the end of October, the value of Adventure Gold increased by 116.17% and reached near around $1.78. Currently, all indicators are indicating Bullish zone, and the fear & greed index shows 51.01 extreme fears. According to our forecast, this is not the right time to Buy Adventure Gold.

Currently, Adventure Gold is trading below the 200 simple moving average. for the last 326 days, since December 31, 2023, SMA has shown a Adventure Gold Buying signal.

The price of Adventure Gold is currently running below the 50-day simple moving average (SMA) and it shows a Buy signal.

According to all technical indicators, the 200-day SMA will drop soon, and the price will hit $0.56 by the end of December. By December 2023, 2024, Adventure Gold's short-term 50-Day SMA shows a $0.63.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) momentum oscillator is a popular indicator that signals whether a cryptocurrency is oversold (below 30) or overbought (above 70). RSI is currently at RSIValue. This indicates that the AGLD market is in a NEUTRAL position.

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