According to Odaily, the virtual asset market has continued its slight fluctuations from last week, with major assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum experiencing some volatility. However, Altcoins with higher odds are showing signs of recovery and exiting their downward trend. Last week, approximately $3.08 billion flowed into Bitcoin ETFs, while Ethereum ETFs saw an inflow of around $5 million. The internal weak balance has been disrupted, with short-term holders gradually increasing their positions, potentially signaling the start of a recovery phase. Shadow stocks of virtual assets, such as MicroStrategy, have reached new highs, and the trading volume of its 2x long ETF is also gradually expanding. Investment in meme coins remains hot, indicating a rise in market risk appetite. However, there is a stronger inclination towards trading high-odds derivative products rather than the assets themselves. The virtual asset market may need to wait for the wealth effect from global stock markets to spill over and boost market share.