HARRISON Dollar index update

1) dxy current price action playing bullish PO3.‼️

2) PO3 (AMD) means Power of Three -

Consist of 3 boxes -

*)1️⃣ Accumulation - price moves in sideways.

*)2️⃣ Manipulation - market Makers moves moves opposite direction to trap/hunt stoploss of retailers.🔴

*) 3️⃣Distribution - moves in original direction .🟢

3) here two stages completed Accumulation and Manipulation

4)Distribution ☝️ to take place that's bullish moves for dollar, similarly it's bearish for market.

5) Nothing moves straight direction.,

Market possible to go for correction.

It's healthy for market too.

6) this our view - if possible move we

will update stay tune.♥️

(Note: Dxy is inversely proportional to Bitcoin ,. If 1) Dxy pumps - Bitcoin Dumps and 2) Dxy dumps - Bitcoin pumps)

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