I learnt this in 6years but i will teach you in 5mins.

So many traders often love to have quick profit gaining remember thier is no quick rick scheme always remember slow if fast and fast is slow start slow and steady you will never regret but if u jump for higher gains u will just face liquidations and frequent loses leading to depression and enxiety some traders wake up early in the morning and open thier phones and draw some lines and try to pridict the current market price. Remember u can never pridict the actuall price u can just have an idea from the past performance and the cash flow by combining these two u can predict future price so its benefiall for you to wait for a perfect supporr retest or a resistance breakout or an indicator flashing buy signal or whatever the stratgy is but u always have to watch the price action carefully u have to wait for the trend reversals and for a market structure shift u can't even trade neutral market as it is very risky so stay vagilant your hard earned blood money really matters for you but the market doesnt care's because market grabs your cash and equally distrubutes it among the expereinced once and for self liquidity push thier is alot of blood into the market which still market is using to stay alive dont be a victim always work with psychology self beleive and patience these are the main weapons u have to carry with your self for a battle to win. 👊

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