Back in 2021, I embarked on a thrilling journey into the world of cryptocurrency. It all started when I joined a Telegram group, and the group's owner made a bold promise. He said that in just two days, he would reveal the Contract Address (CA) and the name of a token we should all invest in.

I eagerly counted down the days, preparing myself for the impending investment. My excitement was so palpable that my body felt like it was doing a little dance of its own. 😅

Looking back, one detail that I noticed but brushed off was that the group had remained locked for the entire time I was a member. At the time, I was ignorant of this being a potential red flag, so I didn't give it a second thought.

What made this adventure even more thrilling was the fact that a good friend had entrusted me with 75 dolls for a small business venture. The plan was to invest 45 dolls into cryptocurrency, potentially tripling the sum, and then returning my friend's money with interest while keeping the rest for myself. 🥳💰

This idea was so exciting and motivating that, in my own world, it felt like the perfect plan. I was all set, eagerly awaiting the moment when the group owner (OG) would finally drop the CA.

The day arrived, and my BNB was poised for this grand adventure... Stay tuned for the next part of my crypto journey. 🌐