*Eutopia Autostaking Protocol (EASP) Technical Overview*


Eutopia revolutionizes decentralized finance (DeFi) with the Eutopia Autostaking Protocol (EASP), simplifying staking mechanics and ensuring stable returns for Eutopia token holders.

✅*Key Features*

- *Simplicity and Security*: Autostaking enabled directly in-user wallets, eliminating off-platform transfers.

- *Consistent APY*: Fixed daily interest rate of 2.0181%, resulting in an annual yield of 146,847.85%.

- *Rapid Rebase Rewards*: Rewards distributed every 15 minutes (96 times per day).

- *Strategic Price and Reward Support*: Utilizes game theory and behavioral economics for price stability and consistent rebase rewards.

- *Versatility and Potential*: Backbone for Eutopia's diverse range of products, services, and projects.

✅*APY and Balance Growth*

- *APY Growth Over Time*: [insert chart/image]

- *Balance Growth Over Time*: [insert chart/image]

✅*How EASP Works*

- Automatic staking and compounding

- Auto-compounding feature reinvests rewards at regular intervals

- Maximizes returns through continuous compound interest

- No manual input required


- Exponential growth without manual input

- Optimized yield efficiency

- Simplified staking experienc

*Understanding Rebase Mechanism*

✅*Rebase Token Explained*

A Rebase Token is a type of cryptocurrency with a circulating supply that dynamically expands or contracts based on the token's price fluctuations.

✅*Eutopia's Positive Rebase Formula*

Eutopia Autostaking Protocol (EASP) employs a positive rebase formula designed to augment the token supply, enabling EUTO holders to increase their token holdings.

✅*Mechanism Supporting Positive Rebase*

The positive rebase mechanism is underpinned by an Elastic Supply Stability Reserve (ESSR), funded and sustained through transaction fees.

✅*Auto Compounding for Maximum Yield*

Eutopia's EASP features automatic compounding of staking rewards, ensuring continuous reinvestment and exponential growth.

✅*No Need to Lock or Stake Tokens*

Eutopia tokens are automatically staked in wallets, eliminating manual steps and allowing users to maintain full control.


- Continual growth in token holdings

- No manual intervention required

- User-friendly and flexible approach to earning in DeFi

- Exponential growth through auto compounding

✅*Advantages Over Traditional Staking*

- No approval or traditional staking processes

- No need to lock or stake tokens

- Seamless integration and user control

- Understanding Rebase Mechanism

Rebase Token Explained

A Rebase Token is a type of cryptocurrency with a circulating supply that dynamically expands or contracts based on the token's price fluctuations. This adjustment mechanism, known as rebasing, algorithmically modifies the token supply to reflect the current market price per token.

✅Eutopia's Positive Rebase Formula

Eutopia Autostaking Protocol (EASP) employs a positive rebase formula designed to augment the token supply, enabling EUTO holders to increase their token holdings analogously to conventional staking protocols. The utilization of a rebasing token obviates the necessity for approval and traditional staking processes.

✅Mechanism Supporting Positive Rebase

The positive rebase mechanism is underpinned by an Elastic Supply Stability Reserve (ESSR), which is funded and sustained through transaction fees incurred during the buying and selling of the token.

By comprehending the concept of a rebase token and Eutopia's innovative implementation, EUTO holders can achieve continual growth in their token holdings, circumventing the complexities associated with traditional staking methods.

✅ Auto Compounding for Maximum Yield

One of the key features of Eutopia's EASP is the automatic compounding of staking rewards. Unlike traditional staking protocols where users must manually reinvest their rewards, Eutopia's auto compounding feature continuously reinvests rebase rewards back into the pool. This process ensures that EUTO holders benefit from exponential growth in their token balance, maximizing their returns without requiring any manual intervention.

✅No Need to Lock or Stake Tokens

Another significant advantage of the Eutopia token within the EASP is the elimination of the need to lock or stake tokens to earn rewards. As soon as users acquire Eutopia tokens, they are automatically staked in their wallets, and they begin to receive rebase rewards without any additional steps. This seamless integration allows users to maintain full control over their tokens while still benefiting from the rewards, providing a user-friendly and flexible approach to earning in the DeFi space.

Eutopia Token: Key Attributes of Eutopia Token Smart Contract

Token Details

Name: Eutopia

Symbol: EUTO

Decimals: 18 (standard for ERC20 tokens)

✅Eutopia Token: Key Attributes of Eutopia Token Smart Contract

✅Token Details

Name: Eutopia

✅Symbol: EUTO

✅Decimals: 18

Audit: Eutopia A Proto

✅Supply Details

Total Supply: The total supply of Eutopia is defined as INITIAL_FRAGMENTS_SUPPLY, set to 40 * 10^8 * 10^18 tokens. This represents the upper limit of the token's supply.

✅Minting and Burning

Minting: The rebase mechanism effectively adjusts the total supply by increasing or decreasing it based on the reward yield.

Burning: There is no explicit burn function. However, tokens sent to the DEAD address are effectively removed from circulation.

✅Transfers and Approvals

Transfer Function:

Implemented via the transfer and transferFrom functions, allowing token transfers between addresses.

✅Approval and TransferFrom:

approve function allows a token holder to approve another address (spender) to spend tokens on their behalf.

transferFrom function allows the spender to transfer tokens from the holder's address, up to the approved amount.


Transfer Event: Emitted in several functions (_basicTransfer, _transferFrom, _takeFee, etc.) to indicate the movement of tokens between addresses.

Approval Event: Emitted in the approve, increaseAllowance, and decreaseAllowance functions, indicating when an approval is granted to a third party to manage tokens.

✅Pausable and Upgradeable Mechanisms


The contract utilizes the PausableUpgradeable library, which allows the owner to pause and unpause the contract's critical operations. This means that rebase, swap, and other essential functions can be paused in case of emergencies or for maintenance, providing an additional layer of control and security.


The contract uses OpenZeppelin’s upgradeable libraries (Initializable, ERC20Upgradeable, OwnableUpgradeable, etc.) to ensure it can be upgraded without losing its state.

Integration with Other Contracts

Uniswap Integration:

The contract integrates with Uniswap through IUniswapV2Router02 and IUniswapV2Pair. It interacts with Uniswap to add liquidity (_addLiquidity), swap tokens for ETH (_swapTokensForETH), and synchronize the pair state (manualSync).

✅Treasury and Liquidity Receivers:

Specific addresses (liquidityReceiver, treasuryReceiver, essrReceiver) are designated to collect fees or manage funds during various operations.

✅Security Features

Reentrancy Guard:

The contract inherits from ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable to protect against reentrancy attacks.

✅Access Control:

The OwnableUpgradeable contract provides basic access control, ensuring that only the owner can execute specific functions (e.g., setting fees, exempting addresses from fees, etc.).


ERC20 Compliance:

✅The contract adheres to the ERC20 standard, implementing required functions like totalSupply, balanceOf, transfer, approve, allowance, and transferFrom. This ensures interoperability with other ERC20-compliant contracts and platforms.

✅This detailed breakdown covers all the essential attributes and functionalities of the Eutopia Token Smart Contract based on the provided Solidity code. It highlights the technical aspects and how they align with standard practices in the Ethereum ecosystem.