What’s happening in the crypto world when even Binance's Co-Founder & Chief Customer Service Officer is posting about this? Of course, my voice won’t have the same impact as hers, but... like billions of others out there, I also feel that the crypto industry is evolving (and not in the best way).

The entry of extremely powerful and influential players clouds everything in their path. It's capitalism in its purest form, and I’m not sure if, philosophically, it's ready to embrace decentralized currencies. I think humanity hasn’t accepted it yet, and we still have many years (maybe even decades) of progress before we see a shift in capitalism’s mindset—one that’s freer and more open to accepting cryptocurrencies for what they are.

For those of us living in the here and now—let’s breathe, meditate, and relax. Let’s not stress about crypto's future. It will shine...