Death threat to SEC chairman Gary Gensler: Revealed in new documents

It was learned that the head of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Gary Gensler, who became the unwanted man in the crypto industry, received death threats

New documents obtained through the Freedom of Information (FOIA) Act showed that U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler received frequent death threats

According to Bloomberg's news, one of these threats was in April 2022. A person whose name is kept secret swore that he would find and hit Gensler, who is much criticized in the crypto industry, with his decisions. This person, who called the institution, said, "I hope you are all coming out with protections from the door, because your heads need to be cut off. I'll shoot you. Gary, you swallowed the pill. You're Going To Be Killed, Gary. If I don't kill you, someone else will," he said. The person whose identity was identified was detained by the Florida security forces and brought to court and admitted his guilt.

Shortly after this incident, Gensler received another threat. This time, the search was carried out by a public official. It was learned that his officer worked in Customs and Border Protection, one of the law enforcement organizations of the USA. Six months later, Gensler was sent threatening emails for a few days. The subject of one of these e-mails was "Geber." In the investigation, it was determined that this person lived in Australia. The prosecutor's office closed the file by deciding not to prosecute.

Gensler took the presidency of the SEC in April 2021. The crypto industry was delighted to welcome Gensler's presidency because he initially mastered Bitcoin and blockchain technology and lectured at MIT, but things didn't go as expected. Gensler has pinced the crypto industry. The SEC sued many exchange and crypto projects under its chairmanship, imposing fines of billions of dollars. The dismissal of Gensler, who became an unwanted man due to his hostile attitude towards crypto, was also a matter of promise in the US election race.