Is tokenization a “giant leap” for securities? As the NY Fed posed the question, Brazil, China, Germany, India, and the UAE saw positive blockchain developments. Moreover, Swift outlined plans for settling digital asset transactions.

This week’s onchain finance news ↓

1️⃣ “Tokenization: Another Giant Leap for Securities?” — NY Fed

“The financial industry may again be on the cusp of profound technological change.”

2️⃣ India Launches National Blockchain Framework

It aims to provide a platform for government departments, researchers, and small businesses.

3️⃣ Digital RMB transaction volumes hit RMB 400 billion (~$56 billion) in a month

The People’s Bank of China has now reported that cumulative transactions for the digital RMB hit RMB 7 trillion at the end of June, up from RMB 6 trillion the previous month.

4️⃣ Santander, Visa, Mastercard, and Google were selected for Brazil’s DREX wholesale CBDC pilot

The use cases include trade finance, real estate, agribusiness, liquidity pools for public securities, and more.

5️⃣ Standard Chartered introduces new service in the UAE

Their first client will be Brevan Howard Digital.

6️⃣ German state Saxony-Anhalt issues €50 million digital commercial paper

It used the Deutsche Börse’s Clearstream D7 platform.

7️⃣ Swift plans to settle digital securities transactions

Swift is exploring how to enable multi-ledger Delivery-versus-Payment (DvP) and Payment-versus-Payment (PvP) transactions on its platform.