Why is so impossible to enter the Bullish Bias?

I know you see the chart and you tell yourself "It is going to go lower". I feel you and I know that is how the market makes us all feel. But consider this: It is always easier to believe that we are going to lose. It is the same feeling that we embrace when we quit. You can quit right now and be a loser right now, no confusion at all, then you move on. But remaining in the fight... staying in the race no matter what, THAT is tough. To keep fighting even under the belief that you are inevitably losing, provides zero certainty of anything. You just keep taking the hits, standing right there, resisting, being taunted, laugh upon, and you do not know when it will end, and if you will come out victorious. THAT is hard. But you need to know something right now: You Will Win. If you stand up to the adversity and look it in the eye, and take the hits and become a true bull, you will win. Eventually you will be the legend, and it will all be wort it. So donÂŽt quit. Flip your bias, and become a bull, step hard in the ground and KNOW, please KNOW, that you are not alone. We are all together in this. Now letÂŽs make one last stand as a fam, and endure it to the very end.