Revelo Intel’s CEO, Nick Drakon, has recently resigned after a terrible armed robbery incident. It also places into spotlight the physical danger crypto executives are exposed to beyond the already notoriously high digital risks that are intrinsic to the crypto space. This arises a number of questions on the safety and security of people dealing with huge amount of digital resources. 

The Armed Robbery Incident 

Drakon previously the CEO of Revelo Intel was attacked by criminals at gunpoint where the attacker forced Drakon to explain how he invest in cryptocurrency. The attackers made Drakon a special focus for attack since he is well known in the crypto world and potentially have security over assets. In addition to the physical and the emotional shock, Drakon resigned the post for the EP. 

This attack brings out a looming danger in the cryptosphere, especially in the case of the people who manage and possess huge sums of the coins. In contrast, cryptocurrencies are usually managed and stored in users’ wallets, not as institutional assets as is the case with traditional financial organizations. Anyone who obtains these private keys is capable of making instant transfers and hence the individuals are at the high risk of being relieved of their money. Increased Risk Concerns In Crypto 

Nevertheless, the crypto industry has managed to improve the level of cybersecurity by emphasizing the necessity of guarding wallets and platforms against digital hackers, but it’s high time to address physical security too. This is so because as the cryptocurrencies increase in value and adoption more people like Nick Drakon controlling large amounts become prime targets for criminals willing to use force to gain access to electronic money. 

The attack on Drakon is a perfect example of such a new trend named “crypto mugging” when a suspect tries to use force to make a victim transfer cryptocurrency. Unauthorized transactions are irreversible once completed and since cryptocurrencies are used in transactions, they have been the preference of criminals. The increasing rate of occurrence of similar events is putting pressure on the industry to rearrange its concepts of individual and workplace protection. 

Effect on Crypto Leadership and Business 

Drakon’s resignation points to a significant issue in the crypto industry: the personal consequences that are associated with leaders of companies in the crypto industry. Managers and owners of cryptos such as Drakon are usually the persons holding the valuable keys as well as having the necessary specific professional knowledge, thus they are easy targets for physical elimination. This event is expected to make the other firms in the sector put more effort in enhancing security of their executive officials. 

The occurrence might also have other ramifications for the crypto organizations in the way they are managing executives. Perhaps there are more tendences to protect high-level executives due the growing risk of the deadly physical threates and intensifying of the regulative pressures. Furthermore, it may create doubts about stability and continuity of the management of crypto firms once the hazards of those positions come to light. 


The armed robbery that compelled Nick Drakon, the CEO of Revelo Intel into resignation underscores threats that have cropped in the crypto market that are not virtual. The higher the significance of cryptocurrencies, the higher is the need to protect key people in terms of body armor. Policing the safety of such executives as Drakon is important for credibility of the opening in the world of crypto-currencies and to prevent the increasing threats of crime.