The following are the primary obstacles that $WLD must overcome to achieve widespread adoption:

  • Concerns concerning privacy have been raised by Worldcoin's usage of biometric information, notably iris scans, and the company's plans for the data it has acquired.

  • #Worldcoin has drawn the attention of privacy regulators in a number of nations, including Kenya, Kenya, the UK, France, and Germany, prompting inquiries into the project's data gathering and storage practises.

  • Ideological opposition: Detractors claim that Worldcoin's strategy undermines #cryptocurrency fundamental tenants of anonymity, decentralisation, and security by requiring users to cede authority to a "trusted" agent acting outside the purview of a government.

  • Scepticism and building confidence with people who are still suspicious of a centralised global #currency are two challenges facing Worldcoin.

  • Scalability concerns: Worldcoin must address the scalability issues posed by blockchain technology in order to handle the projected high volume of transactions.

Worldcoin will need to address these issues and win the trust of users and authorities in order to achieve widespread acceptance.

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