According to PANews, Aquarius Fund has announced a rebranding of its official Twitter (X) account from @Aquarius_Fund to @AquariusCap_. This change was confirmed by Lin, the founding partner, and Sam, the head of research, through their respective Twitter handles @Lin_2mars and @0xpotatoSam. Sam stated that the rebranding reflects Aquarius Fund's commitment to aligning its public image with the fund's evolving vision and strategic goals.

In light of this update, Aquarius Fund advises the public and its followers to refrain from interacting with any communications or posts from the @Aquarius_Fund account until full control is restored. During this period, stakeholders with questions, verification needs, or inquiries are encouraged to directly contact team members Lin and Sam through their Twitter handles.

Previously, on August 24, SlowMist had issued a warning that the official Aquarius X account had been compromised, with the attacker modifying the username, email, and phone number. Followers are urged not to trust any information disseminated by the compromised account.