Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, was reportedly arrested at the Bourget airport outside Paris on Saturday evening. According to sources, Durov was detained by French authorities upon his arrival. The reasons for his arrest remain unclear, and there has been no official statement from Durov or Telegram regarding the incident. Durov, a well-known figure in the tech industry, has been living in self-imposed exile since 2014 after clashing with Russian authorities over his refusal to hand over user data from his previous venture, VKontakte. Telegram, which boasts millions of users worldwide, has often been in the spotlight due to its focus on privacy and encryption. This arrest could have significant implications for the messaging platform and its users, depending on the outcome of the legal proceedings. Further details are expected to emerge as the situation develops.#DurovCEOTelegram #ceocrypto25