Trading truths that will save you in the crypto market;

1. The amount of risk you take in a trade sets the emotional tone for how you manage it.

2 . A natural risk-seeker feels comfortable managing higher-risk trades. A natural risk-avoider feels more at ease with lower-risk trades.

3. All your trades should end in one of the four ways; A small win , A big win , a small loss and a break even . you should never experience a big loss. If you can get rid of big losses, you have a great chance of being profitable for years to come.

4 .Both high and low-risk traders can make money in the market. The only trader who doesn’t survive long-term is the one who overlooks their own traits and strengths in their trading.

5. No trader is immune to emotions. Even Elon Musk was freaking out when he lost $55k billion in payouts from Tesla . Learn the lesson of a losing trade, then move on to the next one.