The best time for crypto trading depends on various factors, including market volatility, liquidity, and your personal trading strategy. However, here are some general insights:

*Best Times:*

1. *Market Open/Close*: 00:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and 12:00 UTC, when global markets open and close.

2. *High Liquidity*: 08:00-12:00 UTC and 14:00-18:00 UTC, when European and US markets overlap.

3. *Volatility Peaks*: 12:00-15:00 UTC, when market sentiment shifts.

4. *News and Events*: During major announcements, conferences, and regulatory updates.

*Worst Times:*

1. *Low Liquidity*: Late nights (20:00-02:00 UTC) and weekends, when markets are less active.

2. *High Volatility*: Avoid trading during extreme price swings, as they can result in significant losses.

*Additional Tips:*

1. *Stay Alert*: Monitor markets 24/7, as crypto markets operate continuously.

2. *Use Time-Zone Conversions*: Adjust times according to your local time zone.

3. *Set Trading Schedules*: Plan your trades during optimal times.

4. *Stay Informed*: Follow market news, analysis, and social media to stay up-to-date.

5. *Adapt to Market Conditions*: Adjust your strategy based on changing market dynamics.

*Popular Trading Sessions:*

1. *Asian Session*: 00:00-08:00 UTC (Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong)

2. *European Session*: 08:00-16:00 UTC (London, Frankfurt, Paris)

3. *US Session*: 14:00-22:00 UTC (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles)

Remember, crypto markets are unpredictable, and optimal trading times may vary. Stay flexible, and continually adapt your strategy to market conditions.