#Bitcoin's Path to $66,000 Blocked Despite Strong #Macro Tailwinds – Here's Why

👇1-12) Traders are perplexed by the current disconnect between the strong rally in U.S. tech stocks and the underperformance of the crypto market. As we noted recently, this divergence—where tech stocks surge while crypto trading remains subdued—aligns with our expectations based on the release of upbeat U.S. macroeconomic data this week.

👇2-12) We also anticipated that Bitcoin would retreat into the $50,000 to $60,000 trading range, with the post-August 5 crash rebound stalling around the resistance zone between $60,000 and $61,000. This slowdown could allow oversold technical indicators to reset, increasing the likelihood that Bitcoin might retest the August 5 low near $50,000—a move that would catch many off guard.

👇3-12) There are still opportunities to profit in the crypto market, but the timing isn't optimal.

Read the full report: https://mail.10xresearch.co/p/bitcoins-path-66000-blocked-despite-strong-macro-tailwinds-heres