A Journey From NULL to NULS, Building From Nothing to the Unimaginable

To the NULS neighbourhood:

Good day, NULSer Because NULS is commemorating its sixth anniversary today, NULS wishes you all a fantastic year! Given how quickly the blockchain sector could change, six years is a very long path. For a project with a clear, long-term vision, the previous six years were just the start of another epic trip.

Introduction of NULS

The word "NULL" is derived from the project name "NULS" in programming, signifying that our team was created from nothing. From "NULL" to "NULS": In the blockchain world, "NULL" stands for nothing or empty space, and "NULS" stands for anything you could possibly want. In 2017, the term NULS was first coined on this day. As you look at the NULS logo, you will see that it resembles a modification of the symbol, which stands for our Ultima vision for the NULS project, which includes limitless potential for growth, ceaseless research, and radical innovation. The original goal of NULS was to simplify blockchain, and over the past six years, we have been steadfastly working towards that goal.

A General Summary

The NULS blockchain has steadily advanced and has been operating steadily for more than 5 years with a dApp ecosystem that is constantly being added to. Currently, the #NULS mainnet has 4,026 smart contracts implemented with over 200,000 lines of open-source code provided by developers from around the world, over 9,000 daily transactions (Tx), and over 430,000 NULS addresses. More than 50 decentralised applications are hosted by the NULS ecosystem. Although we have reached some development milestones, we still see ourselves as a small company. NULS is not financially competitive when compared to other new public chains that are currently receiving significant financial support, but the company is constantly working to achieve its mission of bringing blockchain applications into everyday life.

The logo for 2024 Outlook NULS symbolises the endless possibilities. To strengthen our support for and cooperation with ecosystem projects in the upcoming year, we will be concentrating on the following factors:

The Importance of Basic Stability and Security

To ensure the network's security and stability, we will further optimise the NULS core modules, strengthen cross-chain asset communication, boost safeguards, and improve network stability and NVM performance.

Making Easy-to-Use Tools for Ecosystem Builders & Users

While simultaneously providing safe asset management procedures and tools for projects, we will keep improving and supporting NULS/ENULS multi-signature wallet management solutions. In order to give customers a better perspective of on-chain data, we'll be heavily promoting infrastructure protocols, enhancing Public-Service API capability, offering richer data interfaces, and streamlining the NULS browser module.

More Projects Being Deployed on #POCM

We will aid promising early-stage companies by offering them initial cash, financial guidance, marketing support, and community-building assistance through NULS POCM. For mutual benefit, we'll be bringing additional top-notch projects into the POCM ecosystem.

Foundation for Ecosystems is established

To encourage great ecosystem projects and increase the liquidity for NULS assets on/off the chains, we'll create ecosystem funds.

Supporting Infrastructure Tools of the NULS Ecosystem Tools for blockchain infrastructure, such #NerveNetwork , #Nabox , and Nulswap, are essential. To assist users in settling in and enabling parallel chain networks built on the NULS framework, we'll concentrate on supporting key technologies within the ecosystem. We think NULS has the ability to grow in the future, just as other EVM blockchains and Cosmos SDK, by developing its parallel chains.

EVM-dApps Attraction for ENULS Ecosystem

Since #ENULS is an EVM-compatible parallel chain of NULS, it will continue to draw EVM projects for parallel deployment, expanding the diverse NULS ecosystem's use cases and applications while also securing more NULS assets in liquidity pools.

With these practical steps, we anticipate building a stronger base and glistening brightly when the next bull market hits and customers pour into our ecosystem. We want to thank everyone in our community once more for their commitment to progress, exploration, and developing alongside us!

Participate in the anniversary promotion to win 10,000 NULS.

Finally, NULS presents the 6-year anniversary campaign on Nabox ID, which includes a $10,000 $NULS Airdrop! To join, click the aforementioned Twitter link! Good fortune!