Unchain X is receiving a lot of unprecedented attention with its official opening on August 8, 2024.

Unchain X has recently garnered significant attention following shoutouts from multiple exchanges and an appearance on a prominent journalist's broadcast. This exposure has sparked heightened interest in the upcoming listings, with many investors closely monitoring the situation.

As a result, Unchain X has experienced a substantial price increase in a short period, reflecting the growing optimism surrounding the project. Furthermore, this surge in visibility is likely to attract potential partnerships, which could further enhance the platform's credibility and market presence.

The combination of media exposure and investor interest positions Unchain X favorably for continued growth, suggesting that further positive developments, including strategic partnerships, may soon follow. This confluence of factors indicates a promising trajectory for Unchain X in the evolving crypto landscape.

If you look at the chat history of the live broadcast, you can see the firepower of many investors cheering for the listing and high price of UNX coin.

They are saying that a listing is not far off. It appears that they have recently been in contact with Bybit and the Coinbase listing team and are currently discussing a proposal for listing the project for strategic partnership and mutual development.

In fact, when UnchainX is listed, it is highly likely that it will be conducted as an incubation program.

#UNCHAINX #unx #BTC☀ #Listed