
This guy came to me 2 months ago

It had a loss of $6000

He also had an investment of $5000

He said that this loss was due to his own trading and some was due to free and paid signals.

👉If the investment was good, we made the recovery accordingly.

👉And I hope there will be complete recovery in a month or two.

👉i am 1x player So it takes time to cover these things but I do safe trading

👉There are 30 days in a month so I trade according to 30 days

👉But 98% people try to earn as much money as possible in a single day. This is their biggest mistake and they go into loss.

👉Take profit as per your investment

Don't leverage it at all. Your portfolio is small, there is no issue, you book small profit.

👉You can create a good portfolio by booking small profits

👉If you want to take big profits directly then the small investment you have will also be destroyed.

#MarketDownturn #Recoveryboss #BinanceSquareFamily