We're happy to inform that Klaytn is now fully supported by #NerveNetwork .

For Klaytn projects to communicate with other blockchains, NerveNetwork will offer cross-chain support. And the #Nerve team is dedicated to expanding Klaytn's blockchain project portfolio in the future.

NerveNetwork now includes the #Klaytn cross-chain module. On Klaytn, the Nerve decentralised cross-chain smart contract is in use. Moreover, we have supported the dApps NerveBridge, NerveSwap, and NerveFarm in Klaytn.


NerveBridge is the core product of NerveNetwork that has implemented crosschain for 27 blockchains, including: Ethereum/ Klaytn\s/ Base/ Ethereum Classic/ BNBChain/ Polygon/ Heco/ OKC/ Tron/ Avalanche/ Harmony/ KCC/ Cronos/ Arbitrum/ Fantom/ Metis/ Optimism/ IoTex/ smartBSH/ KAVA EVM/ REI Network/ EOS EVM/ Linea/ Polygon zkEVM/ CELO Network, and NULS. Since NerveNetwork's introduction, NerveBridge has let more than 200 tokens circulate on different blockchains.



Developed by Nabox Wallet, SwapBox is a multichain aggregator that collects liquidity from a variety of decentralised exchanges, including NerveSwap. Users will be able to swap/crosschain-swap numerous assets between chains using SwapBox.



Due to its multichain friendliness feature, NerveSwap, a DEX developed on the NerveNetwork mainnet, enables the trading of various assets from several blockchains with incredibly cheap transaction costs.



With the help of the Yield farming protocol NerveFarm, NerveSwap liquidity holders can engage in farming. On NerveFarm, any toekns based in Klaytn may construct a farm.


The Layer 1 blockchain platform Klaytn offers quick finality, high TPS, and low latency. It is the ideal blockchain for implementing the metaverse and creating games. With the support of Ethereum Equivalence and the full Metaverse Package to ease the experience of establishing a blockchain, Klaytn 2.0 signals Klaytn's switch to a concentration on the metaverse.

About NerveNetwork

By establishing a cross-chain asset trading network and tying together all disconnected blockchains, NerveNetwork seeks to give the DeFi ecosystem all the underlying support it needs. Let each owner of a digital asset benefit from a DeFi service that is genuinely safe, free, and open.