Hey everyone, I know these market dips can be really nerve-wracking, but let's take a deep breath and look at the bigger picture. It seems like chaos, but what’s really going on? Here’s my take on it.


What Happened Yesterday?

First off, the US stock market shed a whopping $2 trillion due to fears of a global recession. And in the crypto world, we saw over $1.2 billion in liquidations in just one day. It was one of the craziest nights in recent memory.

Why Stay Calm?

Here’s the thing – while it looks like everyone is selling, the reality is different. The smart money, the big players, aren’t panicking. Let’s break it down:

- BlackRock holds over 340K BTC and has been buying more during this dip.

- Fidelity has 290K BTC and barely sold anything.

- MicroStrategy hasn’t sold any of its 80K BTC.

- Even the US Government, which holds 200K BTC from seizures, has only sold 7% this year.

What to Expect Next?

So, what's the plan? Stay calm and don't let the current market volatility dictate your actions. Instead, play smart:

1. Stay Calm: Keep a level head. Panic-selling never helps.

2. Play Smart: Use the market manipulations to your advantage. Stay informed and strategic.

3. Study History: Markets go through cycles. Understanding past behaviors can give you valuable insights.

Smart Strategies

1. Avoid Trading Against the Trend: Align your trades with the market trends to increase your chances of success.

2. DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging): This strategy spreads your investments over time, reducing risk.

3. Make Smart Buys: Focus on well-researched purchases for future profits.

Insightful Thought

Think of your portfolio like the ocean. It has waves and falls, but it’s all part of the journey. Just like in life, you can’t always win. Accepting this reality helps you stay grounded.

What Are the Savvy Investors Doing?

Here’s a deeper dive into what the big players are doing during this dip:

- @BlackRock: Holding and buying more BTC.

- @Fidelity: Holding strong with minimal selling.

- @BitwiseInvest: Steady accumulation.

- U.S. Government: Limited selling, holding the majority.

- @MicroStrategy: Not selling any BTC.

- @Tether_to: Progressive accumulation, no sales during the dip.

- El Salvador: Holding steady since creating their Bitcoin reserve.

- @MarathonDH: Sold a bit in May, now accumulating again.

- @RobinhoodApp: Holding and reloading BTC.

- @binance: Largest BTC reserve, no sales, betting long.

Final Thoughts

The big players have a long-term vision and can influence the market significantly. They are not panicking, and neither should you. Stay informed, stay calm, and use these insights to navigate the market wisely.

Thanks for listening, and remember, patience and strategy are your best allies in times like these.