🚨 Frozen 41 Crypto Wallets on Tether🚨

41 cryptocurrency wallets connected to people on the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) have been frozen by Tether. Tether's dedication to security and compliance is demonstrated by this step, which is being called a precaution. Remarkably, a number of these wallets were connected to the coin-mixing service Tornado Cash during the last half-year. Even the infamous $625 million Ronin Bridge assault, which is credited to the North Korean hacker organization Lazarus organization, is connected to one of the frozen accounts.

The CEO of Tether, Paolo Ardoino, underlined the significance of these measures. "We will be able to further strengthen the positive usage of stablecoin technology and promote a safer stablecoin ecosystem for all users," he said, "by executing voluntary wallet address freezing of new additions to the SDN List and freezing previously added addresses." This action comes after two earlier ones by Tether in October: the freezing of 32 wallets connected to terrorism and conflict in Israel and the Ukraine, as well as the freezing of $225 million tied to a human trafficking organization.

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