Last week in $EGLD 🌏

⛓ 4-yr network anniversary

🇺🇸 Blockchain course with @ecornell_online kick-off

🧭 Battle of Yields: Time Machine for V3 testing

🛠 Weekly #multiversxtech

🇹🇷 Meet us at @IstanbulBlockWk

⌚ Update on finality improvements (sub-second)

📺 @epicenterbtc podcast with @lucianmincu

📚 Developer documentation overhaul

🌐 xPortal listed on @DappRadar

⚙ Rust framework reached 80k downloads

📲 xPortal 60 day streak rewards

🙌 Ecosystem highlights: @Ta_da_io • @ICIDServices • @ash_swap

🌎 @MultiversX

3.8M accounts • 432M transactions • 16.7M staked

📲 @xPortalApp

1.5M+ users • 125K users stake $EGLD

⚡ @xExchangeApp

$59 Million TVL • $8 Million USD 7d volume