TOKENOMICS Series - Episode 1


Maximum Supply: Unlimited/Infinite

Circulating Supply: 235,753,446 APT

Initial Supply at Launch: 1 Billion APT

Initial Supply Distribution

-Community: 510,217,359.767 APT (51.02%)

-Core Contributors: 190,000,000.000 APT (19.00%) (four-year lock-up schedule, First release in Nov/Dec 2023 ( Around 11,874,999 APT))

-Foundation: 165,000,000.000 (16.50%)

-Investors: 134,782,640.233(13.48%)(four-year lock-up schedule, First release in Nov/Dec 2023 ( Around 8,423,913 APT))

It is essential to watch Investors and Core contributor supply releases. Almeda Research is also one of the investors in Aptos, which could be mean that we may see sell off. Nov/Dec 2023 may be bad for $APT and we may see a sale on it.

#crypto2023 #aptos #cryptocurrency #Binance #crypto