✔️ Your #Swell Airdrop Check ✔️

The snapshot for Airdrop 1 is just around the corner! Curious about your standing?

Here’s how pearls are distributed among wallets, courtesy of Dune Analytics:

🪞 95,357 wallets: <100 Pearls

🪞 20,789 wallets: 101 - 500 Pearls

🪞 17,098 wallets: 501 - 2,000 Pearls

🪞 5,349 wallets: 2,001 - 5,000 Pearls

🪞 2,189 wallets: 5,001 - 10,000 Pearls

🪞 1,178 wallets: 10,001 - 50,000 Pearls

🪞 482 wallets: 50,001 - 500,000 Pearls

🪞 83 wallets: 500,001+ Pearls

Total wallets: 142,585

🕹 Source: https://t.me/traceyalfa/214

Where do you fit in the pearly distribution ⁉️